
Happy Founder’s Day

32 years ago, when a young woman entrepreneur took her first steps with passion, enthusiasm and determination to train young men and women into Aviation professionals, the tasks were challenging, the obstacles were many, but she stayed undaunted…. Not only she was successful in inspiring, crafting and moulding thousands of youngsters to aviation enthusiasts but also took her baby SATM to heights to get listed as India’s First ever IATA’s Authorised Training Centre and among the top rank list in South East Asia itself !!!

As we look back on our founding/legacy, we recognise our Founder Susanna George, fondly known as Lailama’am, was a great visionary, wise beyond age and a great inspirational figure, ahead of her time, empowering not only her students but also whoever who had come across her.

We note with great pride, her role in reshaping and redefining the scope of education in the Aviation industry.. Perhaps more significant is the fact that SATM has produced Alumni who have become stalwarts in the Aviation, Travel & Tourism, Cargo industry across the globe.

May her remarkable legacy inspire us even more and to inspire others too!

Happy Founder’s Day, SATMites!